Track A: Digital Strategies

14:00 - 15:20

05 NOVEMBER 2020 Day 2

Track A: Digital Strategies Sessions

14:00 -14:20

05 NOVEMBER 2020 Day 2

Are autonomous trains ready to roll?

  • Developing and deploying autonomous train operations
  • Get the latest in AI and sensor technology that will enable


Speaker: Pavel Popov, Technical Head of Autonomous Trains Development, Russian Railways

14:20 - 14:40

05 NOVEMBER 2020 Day 2

Strategic Insights: Network Optimisation in mixed traffic conditions- Indian Railways

14:40 - 15:00

05 NOVEMBER 2020 Day 2

Improving operations with smart assets

  • Enhanced operational reliability and quality of service
  • Better rolling stock availability
  • Cost reduction
15:00 - 15:20

05 NOVEMBER 2020 Day 2

Strategic Insights: Connecting with the multimodal passenger journey

  • Multimodal interchange to create seamless journeys
  • How can we achieve multimodal travel?
  • Connected technologies optimising every journey
13:30 - 15:35

04 November 2020 Day 1

Track A: Digital Strategies Sessions

13:30 - 13:50

04 November 2020 Day 1

The increasing use of big data and IoT in rail – an evolving strategy

  • The importance of having a clear strategy of how to put your data to use
  • Unlocking the real value of data
  • Understanding cultural change and implementing digitalisation on the ground

For sponsorship opportunities, please click HERE

13:55 - 14:15

04 November 2020 Day 1

Strategic Insight: Capacity utilisation and performance – why we need intelligent infrastructure

  • How will we deal with growing demands for freight and passenger capacity?
  • What does intelligent infrastructure really mean?
14:20 - 14:45

04 November 2020 Day 1

Digitalisation of rolling stock maintenance

  • How to implement effective rail maintenance though digitalisation
  • Rethinking maintenance though condition based and predictive maintenance for rolling stock
14:50 - 15:10

04 November 2020 Day 1

Strategic Insight: The physical infrastructure and the importance of an effective roll-out strategy

  • The digitalisation of the physical infrastructure requires time to roll out
  • The importance of a good roll-out strategy
  • The challenge of existing legacy infrastructure which is not yet life expired but digitally incompatible
15:!5 - 15:35

04 November 2020 Day 1

How to build comprehensive cyber-security strategies for digital networks

  • Understanding the impact of cyber-security on the safety of the railways
  • The importance of being able to effectively assure the security of assets – bots old and new
  • The importance of architecting a comprehensive cyber-security strategy in a constantly changing security landscape

For sponsorship opportunities, please click HERE